Recent study using the Griffin Alkyd Fast Drying Oil issued by Winsor & Newton. I had three sample tubes of the primary colors, or a slightly shifted version of the primaries. The palette was Winsor Red, Winsor Yellow, Pthalo Blue, and Flake white.
This paint can be used alla prima, but I decided to do a full session everyday on it, let it sit overnight and come back the next day beginning with glazes and finishing off with opaque paint.
The dry time is very fast, and I cut it with liquin, which enhances your dry time significantly from there.
With every session the painted layers were dry to the touch the same day, or completely dry by the next morning, allowing a new set of layers to be built up.
I greatly enjoyed the griffin alkyd and will use it in the future, however when cutting it with mediums be sure to scrape down the palette after every use as anything you mixed it into will be dry to the touch that day, making it difficult to paint alla prima because all your mixtures are dry.
The step by step process above shows working time of 6 hours, each step representing about 2 hour painting sessions, with a night of dry time in between each step. The reference was from some camera phone pictures taken during Halloween.
"Evil Ent Glaxco", Oil, 5 x 7